How To Have the Kind of Christmas Celebration You Enjoy This Year?
Will you be able to have the kind of Christmas celebration you enjoy this year? What makes it special?
Why do you celebrate Christmas?
- The meaning and significance of Christmas in the Bible.
- What are some things we can do to have a good Christmas celebration this year?
- Five gifts that Jesus wants us to have this Christmas.
- Five good deeds that Jesus wants you to do this Christmas season.
- The above topic is based on the Advent theme: “Gift of Great Joy.”
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How to make your Christmas special?
Did you know that just the right amount of touch and emotion can make Christmas special? Love, cuddles, hugs, and the whole shebang!
Christmas isn’t about who spends the most of the biggest. It’s about spending time with family and loved ones. That’s what really matters.
The last thing I want is to have a boring, ordinary Christmas. Instead of listening to the same old songs, I’ll try some new ones. It might end up in a ‘what the hell happened here?!’ kind of situation but I’ll have fun no matter what!
Christmas is a time for celebration. Don’t forget that. If you forget that, it might be sad because you’ll end up feeling sorry for yourself!
Christmas isn’t about traditions either. Christmas isn’t about buying the same gifts year after year or not going to a certain place once a year.
The Best Time of the Year?
While many people spend more time planning for their birthdays and Mother's Day, many parents and grandparents opt for Christmas. Here's a piece of advice: schedule time in December for your children's school programs, Church and Christmas concerts, carol concerts, and the School Carnival.
This allows everyone to enjoy themselves and not worry about having extra responsibilities or juggling. The important thing is to make this time of the year fun and memorable. Remember that many family members will be spending Christmas on their own, at someone else's house. All these need to be planned and executed.
Do you have the festive spirit and have set up the Christmas tree, decked up the place, and up your lights? If you haven't, go ahead and do it.
Who Is Going to Celebrate Christmas With You?
When it comes to Christmas, this is the biggest question of all, especially for the single parents who are also raising children by themselves. What does Christmas mean to them and their children? If there is a chance they would not spend Christmas with family, then it would be extremely worrying for them.
However, there are other factors that come in the way. The following questions would determine if your Christmas celebration would be great.
Is Your Child Responsible?
Is your child old enough to think independently? Can your child answer the question to herself, or to you, about what she wants for Christmas? Does she understand the true meaning of Christmas?
At this stage, you can still involve her and make Christmas special.
What Are You Doing For Entertainment This Year?
You don’t have to do the same thing every Christmas. You can try things you’ve never done before or try something you might have seen someone else do in a book, movie, or television show. Do you have old Christmas movies from the 70’s that you haven’t seen for a long time? Maybe Amazon Prime Video has the animated version of your favorite from that time. Go to your local community theater and see what shows are running. There is something for everybody.
Do You Have One Weird Rule or Tradition About Christmas Dinner?
In our family, we don’t have a specific “Christmas Dinner” every year. You could even have it for dinner one day and have leftovers the next day. If there’s a special dish that you make that everyone asks for, you could make it a Christmas Dinner tradition.
How are you going to decorate your house this year?
What would be the food you are going to serve?
Is there a piece of specific music that you will be playing this Christmas?
Is there any tradition you want to keep, like cutting off a whole cake in front of your guests or how are you going to keep your traditions alive?
There are different ways to keep the Christmas spirit alive. You can buy gifts for your friends, family and loved ones or you can buy them homemade.
Are you going to do a Christmas giveaway? You can organize a giveaway on your Instagram or Facebook account and to give it a personal touch you can make use of Christmas decals.
These are some ideas that are sure to put your Christmas celebration on a high and special note.
What kind of food will you eat this year?
The Kinds of Food You Might Eat This Year
Practices and Customs at Your House for Christmas
Cultural practices
Most Christmas celebrations in Russia take place at the family and extended family's homes.
Igor, an employee of a Moscow-based private security company, gives his tips on how to make your home look like it belongs to a large family during Christmas.
It is typical in Russia for a family to buy or collect a large number of small ornaments to decorate the Christmas tree, with many families often calling themselves "the family of small and sentimental ornaments."
Another typical Christmas tradition in Russia is to make visits to one's relatives on Christmas Eve. "Families will gather at the children's table, and they will greet each other, eat, and play games," Petrov says.