The Meaning of Christmas: Why It's Important To Celebrate The Birth Of Jesus
Happy Christmas with Jesus Christmas
Section 1: The Meaning of Christmas
The Meaning of Christmas is about celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ the Son of God. GodFather God sent his only begotten, the son of God, born of a virgin to redeem us from our sins. At the same time, God in his favor and authority sent his son into the world without the normal man God is always present in. The woman who has a virgin birth was a minority or outcast. She was the woman that was an apple of God's eye. , there are some of you who are falling away. For this reason, I kneel before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name" We are suffering from a distance from God. Happy Christmas with Jesus Christmas
Why Celebrate the Birth of Jesus?
Christmas is the time of year to give joy and thanks.
Because it's the birthday of Jesus Christ, this is the ideal time of year to celebrate, to spread the joy of the Saviour.
How does God use you in His kingdom? Read more about how God uses you, Chris Miller Chris is the lead pastor at Delta Church in Auckland, and the husband of Karon and adoptive dad to 3 amazing boys. He previously served as a chaplain with New Zealand Police, and before that in the army.
What is the Significance of Christmas?
Think about it, Christmas has been celebrated by men since biblical times. The legend of the birth of Jesus has made it so that every time you and I celebrate Christmas, we are celebrating the very message that he preached to us. Christmas as a festival has been celebrated since the fourth century and it has been observed on December 25 every year by people in the western Christian tradition. The other forms of Christianity celebrate Christmas on January 6 Epiphany or Three Kings' Day. In the eastern Christian tradition, Christmas is observed on January 7. The 12 days between Christmas and Epiphany are known as the “Twelve Days of Christmas.” Christ, his Son.
Chrysostom in the fourth century codified these various commemorations as 'The Eve of the Nativity of Christ and 'The Day of the Nativity of Christ. Some Churches still refer to December 25 as 'Christmas'. Happy Christmas with Jesus Christmas
Ten Reasons to Celebrate Christmas
Below is the excerpt from my latest book entitled The Meaning of Christmas that provides full insight into why we must celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.
Enjoy this excerpt:
Did you know that the Bible has two accounts of the birth of Jesus? The first account is in the book of Luke and is how Luke tells his version of the Christmas story. The second account is found in the book of Matthew and is the story of Joseph.
Let's talk about why the Bible has two accounts of the birth of Jesus. I think it's important for us to understand this because it gives us two completely different perspectives on the birth of Jesus.
The first account is from the point of view of Mary. Continue...
Happy Christmas with Jesus Christmas