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10 Reasons Why Christmas is the Best Time of Year: The One Things that Make it a Great Day?


10 Reasons Why Christmas is the Best Time of Year: The One Things that Make it a Great Day?

Christmas is the Best Time of Year, The One Things that Make it a Great Day


  • Christmas is the best time of year because of family
  • Christmas is the best time of year because of history
  • Christmas is the best time of year because of tradition
  • Christmas is the best time of year because of the food
  • Christmas is the best time of year because of presents
  • Christmas is the best time of year because of decorating
  • Christmas is the best time of year because of holiday songs
  • Christmas is the best time of year because of seeing snow falling for the first time
  • Christmas is the best time of year because of holiday recipes
  • Christmas is the best time of year because of friends

"Why Christmas is the Best Time of Year": What makes it the greatest time of the year, even though it’s the most stressful time of the year.

Christmas is the best time of year because of gifts

Christmas is the best time of year because it’s a celebration for many religions

When someone has died, the soul looks back on a happy life to determine which of those memories are to be kept in its consciousness and which are to be ‘burned’ and forgotten. When that decision is made, it is considered a “little death”.

Fate tells me that because I’ve fallen in love and lost and made myself happier, this day is only to remember me. And when I leave this room, I hope that for one day in the year, I can lay to rest this wound.


Now I can accept that loss, and with an ache in my heart, I will forever mourn the death of my friend. But Christmas, in its more beautiful form, is a universal celebration. And the time after it, I will spend with those that have loved me for years, celebrating life, so that I may have a part in life’s good.

  1. Christmas is the best time of year because it’s a day to be thankful and kind
  2. Christmas is the best time of year because you’re thankful and kind, what else do you want?
  3. Christmas is the best time of year because you’re with friends, family, or that one special person you like so much that you don’t have to talk to every day (like me).
  4.  Christmas is the best time of year because it’s just so damn cute watching your kids in that beautiful mixture of awe and wonder.
  5.  Christmas is the best time of year because you make decorations that are just adorable.


Christmas is the best time of year because there’s just so much to be thankful for and to be happy about. It’s like everything in your life that’s usually not great has suddenly turned and you’re 100% happy.

Christmas is the best time of year because we can enjoy beautiful decorations

 There is only one thing I look forward to during Christmas time: the Christmas tree.


Over the years I've been blessed with an artificial tree and it takes all my efforts not to just drag it out and decorate the house early. With a real tree, it would be a lot easier to have it out a week or so before Christmas and then have the tree stand in the corner while we decorated.


The thought of dragging a real tree out in the cold is just too much. But Christmas is about traditions, and the Christmas tree has been such a tradition in my family for years.

Christmas is the best time of year because we get to spend quality family time together

Christmas is a beautiful time of year. We celebrate the birth of Jesus with gift-giving, Christmas cards, and all the traditions that make it the most enjoyable time of the year.

Although Christmas is only around a month away, many people still aren't in the holiday spirit and struggle to get excited about it.

It's so easy to miss out on all the fun because we either can't get into the season or we are afraid to do so, worried about how our finances might not be able to afford it.

Christmas is the most magical and memorable time of year, but we have to take the plunge and start enjoying it now. If you are worried about your finances, you should be!

Christmas is the best time of year because we get to share and eat delicious food with our loved ones.

The Christmas season is a beautiful time of the year!

Lights and decorations are everywhere, stores are filled with all kinds of festive stuff, and Santa Claus himself is out in full force spreading cheer and good tidings.

We get to open wonderful gifts from our loved ones, and we all get to go through our Christmas lists and get things we want.

However, all of that doesn’t make Christmas the best time of year without one thing…



The mostly negative news is reported in newspapers or on the news channels. Since there is nothing that inspires us, many of us find it difficult to achieve positive thoughts. But there is something about Christmas that is different. This is the only time in the whole year when the topic of Christmas is happy and wonderful. So, if you are planning to celebrate Christmas this year.

The Reason Behind Christmas

Christmas is a holiday that we can have the most joyful fun during the whole year. Christmas is about celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. We believe that Jesus is the Savior of mankind and has performed His life to show us the way to salvation.


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