The Most Wonderful Time of the Year: My Christmas Celebration Essay
“It’s the most wonderful time of the year.” We have all heard that famous jingle before, one that brings a subtle but jolly feeling into our lives one month out of the year.
The "most wonderful time of the year"
I believe in the joys of the holiday season, but my Christmas celebration has been anything but jolly. My friends and family know about the fact that my Christmas celebration is my sister because they know the person I write about in my Christmas essay. My sister came to live with us on Christmas Eve two years ago, and everything went downhill from there.
Before my sister got into the Christmas spirit, there were only about a half-dozen other people who lived in my house. As I have explained in my previous essay, the only reason I invited my sister to live with us was that she was kicked out of her apartment because she left a new roommate who was raped unconscious, and the roommate was pregnant at the time.
Why I celebrate Christmas
I’ve never had any religion in my life, but I do know the meaning behind Christmas and, for me, it is a reminder of what my parents taught me. My parents always tried to make Christmas special for us as kids. Christmas was not the whole of Christmas Day but was a time to celebrate the beginning of the holiday season. I spent a lot of my childhood at the mall with my mom. She went on a lot of Christmas sales, like Bath & Body Works and White House Christmas Wreaths. That is where she would go and get me lotions and that warm wonderful smell to make my nose smell like Christmas because she said that she couldn’t wait until Christmas so she could put that on me, and since it was outside I’d be cold and the smell of the candles would make me feel all warm inside.
How Christmas makes me feel
I grew up in a small town where the population was about 300. My mother was the primary parent in the family. We had a large extended family with many siblings and cousins. The majority of them lived in other towns, leaving us kids with my mom and her parents.
Christmas was not a happy time for me. I was embarrassed to be in that house. Not because of anything my mother did wrong. I think she tried her best. We had a little church that would have services on Christmas Eve. I loved singing in the choir, but I didn’t want to stand with the rest of the choir and hold hands to recite our meaningless Christian vows.
Instead, I would sit and try to stay awake as long as I could to make it to midnight Mass.
It is a wonderful time for some. The Christmas season begins on the evening of Thanksgiving Day when most families are gathered around the dinner table and share their stories of the year. On Christmas Eve, most families go out to visit their family and friends or they stay home and exchange gifts and eat a big Christmas Eve dinner.
Families watch their favorite Christmas movies, giving the message of the importance of family and the true meaning of Christmas. It is a time when it seems that everybody is joyful and merry and having a good time.
Unfortunately, many people in our world have no family, or only have one family that they celebrate Christmas with. Many families also have no religious beliefs. Wish you a very happy Christmas.