Marry Me on Christmas Day in 2021: My Perfect Proposal
To marry the one you love by Christmas.
Section 1: Why I want to marry on Christmas day
I think Christmas is a time when the world should join together in peace and harmony and help those less fortunate than us.
But Christmas is now about getting people into debt and buying presents they can't afford to give. Christmas is supposed to be a season of love and giving. Not of greed.
As a girl, I used to hope Santa would leave a Barbie in my stocking, but now I know I'll never get one. I used to imagine my husband waiting outside my bedroom window at midnight, but now I know I'll never have him.
Marry Me on Christmas day, however, and I promise you'll never have to make another Christmas wish.
By marrying on Christmas day, you'll help me fulfill my ultimate Christmas fantasy: I want to marry a man who loves the sun and the beach as much as I do.
That man will be YOU.
How to make it happen
In a perfect world, what I'd like to do is propose on Christmas Day 2021.
My ideal Christmas would consist of not a single piece of Christmas gifts, as I'd buy you all of them in advance, and let you know that I've bought them for you with a timeline of when each item is due for you to come over and open it.
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I don't want to get you anything specific, so the best thing for me to do is buy you things to get you to come over. (Because you have a huge choice to pick from.)
As for the decorations, I'll get most of them delivered by the day before. I don't want to leave a shred of you wondering what to do that day, so I'll go to the shops on Sunday, pick them out, and have them delivered on a Monday morning.
My perfect proposal
Would be on Christmas Day 2021 at our favorite restaurant in the country, a dark, cozy restaurant where I would give a surprise speech. I'd have asked the girl to marry me since I've known her for two months.
I wanted to do a proposal as they do on a reality TV show because I have the perfect proposal for her and it will be fantastic.
She's the perfect girl for me and I'd never need to feel awkward about asking her to marry me.
While asking her I'd show her a white fur stole and tell her I had one just like it when I was younger.
We'd both sit down and I'd ask her what made her pick me out of the millions of people that the media said would make a good husband or a bad husband.
She'd say, "They just never really knew you.
Wedding planning
The time to work on your wedding is never.
Love never dies
Holidays don’t make love stronger.
Humour never comes easily
Valentine’s Day is right around the corner.
Falling in love
I can never be the famous butler James Bond, which is why I’m going to be a carpenter’s apprentice
Accepting love
Nobody is a total failure in life, you just fail to get what you want, the way you wanted it.
Fair, not perfect
My favorite saying is to say, “Life ain’t perfect. It just won't taste right.”
New year, New me
No matter how ugly life gets, always make an effort to be as comfortable as you can.
My true love for all time
Enjoy it.
Loving her for all eternity
Darling, I’ve always loved you, ever since I met you.
Christmas can be the perfect time to ask the one you love to marry you. You have a week or two to figure this out. You’ll probably have to do it in the right setting, with the right people, and at the right time. You have to give them time to think about it and respond. Plus, don’t go overboard. The number of gifts you ask for should be in proportion to the time and energy you put into the proposal.
Now here’s a couple of pro-tips:
Don’t do it on Christmas. People hate that and you’ll get your ass handed to you by people with too much time on their hands. In an ideal world, you could get away with a proposal on Valentine’s Day, but if that’s not available then you’ll probably have to propose on Christmas day.